英文的組成是由最小單位的--> 單字 -->片語 --> 句子 -->段落 -->文章










(1) 名詞 Noun (n.)  

(2) 代名詞 Pronoun (pron.)

(3.) 形容詞 Adjective (adj.)

(4.) 動詞 Verb (v.)

(5.) 副詞 Adverb (adv.)

(6.) 連接詞 Conjunction (conj.)

(7.) 介詞 Preposition (prep.)

(8) 感嘆詞 (interjection (interj.)


(1) 名詞 Noun : 舉凡表示人、地、事、物的"名稱",都是名詞。

     (man, park, place, bus, dog, tree, sand, love, businessman, Taiwan, John 等)

     1. Taiwan is a beautful place. 2. His father is a businessman.

     3. The bus goes to the station.  

(2.) 代名詞 pronoun : "代"名詞,就是是"代替"名詞的身分出現在句子中,為的是避免相同的

      (pro 代理 + noun 名詞,不難看出就是代替名詞) (代名詞視為名詞)

      名詞一再重複。(I, you, she, he, they, it, this, that, those, each, all, some, who 等)

      1. Mary is my friend. she is an American. (如果兩句都用Mary-->

          Mary is my friend. Mary is an American. 不關是聽、或讀,是不是都覺得很繁雜)

      2. Some of the students were absent. 有一些學生缺席。

      3. I want this. You can have it.  (句中的this, it 是表示雙方說的是同一件物品)

      例如: 我們同時看著一隻筆,你指著這隻筆說 I want this. 然後對方說 You can have it.

      說的都是"同一隻筆" 這時候可以"適合的"用代名詞來代替"筆"這個名詞,去避免一再的使

      用相同的字。例如:  I want this pen. You can have this pen. This pen's color is my

      favorate. This pen is good to write....一直 pen, pen, pen 的不決很累贅嗎?)

(3.) 形容詞 Adjective : 會稱之為"形容"詞,當然就是有修飾作用。形容詞是用來修飾"名詞/


      (good, angry, cheap, dirty, noisy, interesting, excietd 等)

      1. I saw an interesting movie last night.

      2. It is a naughty dog.

      3. My father is a very nice man. 

(4.) 動詞 Verb : 動詞用來表示主詞所表現的"動作/經驗/狀態"的字稱為動詞。

      (walk, swim, laugh, teach, seem, give, help, am, is, are, was 等)

      1. He is an engineer. 他是工程師。

      2. Bob helped me. Bob幫助了我。

      3. Lisa gave me a birthday present. Lisa 送我生日禮物。

      (有些動詞本身具有其他功能名稱,如 is 稱"連繫動詞",gave(give)稱"授予動詞"...等。


(5) 副詞 Adverb : 副詞的作用是來修飾動詞、形容詞、另一個副詞或是整個句子。

     (slowly, quickly, loudly, happily, often, usually, never, very, too,so 等)

     1. He is walking slowly. 他正慢慢的走。(slowly 修飾動詞 walking。讓我們知道主詞

        he 走路的速度是"慢慢地")

     2. Henry usually jogs in the morning. Henry 通常都再早晨慢跑。

         (usually 又稱為"頻率副詞",說明 Henry 慢跑的時間出現時機的頻率)

     3. Mom is very angry. 媽媽很(非常)生氣。(very 修是形容詞 angry 生氣的程度)

     4. They talked so loudly. 他們說話特別大聲。(so 修飾另一個詞 loudly)

(6) 連接詞 Conjunction : 連接詞具有連接字與字、詞語詞、句與句、子句與子句的功能。)

     (and, or but, that, because, if, when, although 等)

     1. They were tired but happy. 他們雖然累,可是很快樂。(but 連接字與字)

     2. Gary is kind, and his family are, too. Gary 很友善,而且他的家人也都和他一樣。


     3. If it rains tomorrow, we won't go out. 明天如果下噢,我們就不出去了。(條件子句)

(7) 介係詞 Preposition : 介係詞後只能接名詞,用來表示其後的名詞與其它字之間的關係

     (at, on, in, by, up, to, of, for, across, between 等)

     1. There is a picture on the wall. 牆上有一幅畫。(on 是用來表示畫是掛在牆面上的)

     2. It is cool in fall. 秋天很涼爽。 (in 是用來表示秋天=涼爽)

     3. Someone is waiting for you. 某人正在等你。(for 表示了等待是因為你的關係)

     4. He is afraid of dogs. 他怕狗。(of 表示了害怕的物體)

(8) 感嘆詞 Interjection : 感嘆詞是用來表達情緒的叫聲或喊聲。

     (oh, ah, wow, ouch, thank God 等)

     1. Wow, that was a nice hit. 哇! 真是漂亮的一擊。

     2. Thank God! You are back. 謝天謝地,你終於回來了。


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